1024×768 Image Converter Online – Fast & Free Converter

If you’re looking to resize images to a 1024×768 resolution, finding the right converter is essential. Whether you’re adjusting images for presentations, websites, or personal use, this guide will walk you through the process. We’ll also find the benefits of converting images to this format and how to use 1024×768 Image Converter.

1024×768 Image Converter Online Free

A 1024×768 image converter allows users to resize images to a resolution of 1024 pixels wide by 768 pixels tall. This format is commonly used for presentations, screensavers, and digital displays. 

Using the right tool ensures that the quality of the image remains intact during the conversion process. With a simple conversion, images can be optimized for better display on different platforms.

How To Resize Image To 1024×768 Pixels?

To resize image an image to a specific resolution like 1024×768 pixels resolution, you have to follow the step-by-step instructions mentioned below:

  1. Click on the “Select Images” button.
  2. Upload the image you want to convert to the 1024×768 format.
  3. Select the output resolution or choose the preset 1024×768 option.
  4. Adjust any settings like aspect ratio, if necessary.
  5. Click on the “Convert” button to initiate the process.
  6. Download the converted image once the process is complete.

You’re done.


  • Maintains image quality while adjusting resolution.
  • Suitable for digital screens and projectors.
  • Quick and easy to convert multiple images.
  • Saves storage space by optimizing image size.
  • Ensures compatibility with various platforms.


Is it free to convert image to 1024×768 Px?

All the image resizing, compressing, and converting tools on CompressKaru’s website are free to access. You won’t be charged even a single penny while converting an image resolution to 1024*768 pixels. Enjoy the conversion without a watermark and signup process.

What is 1024 pixels * 768 pixels?

It means 1024 pixels in width and 768 pixels size in height.

Will I lose my image quality while converting an image to 1024px x 768px?

Although, these tools are developed using the latest and advanced algorithms. So, there are rare chances of losing image quality. Just make sure to convert high-quality images.

Can I resize a JPG image to 1024 x 768?

Of course, you can resize any image type or extension such as JPG, JPEG, PNG, HEIC, WebP, etc using a 1024×768 pixels image converter.

How do I make a picture 1024×768?

To make a picture 1024x768px, follow the given below process:

  1. Click on the “Select Image(s)” button.
  2. Choose the images from your device and click on the “Open” button.
  3. You can also “Drag & Drop” the images to the photo converter.
  4. After that, click on the “Resize” button to start the process.
  5. After a while, your image(s) will be converted to the desired resolutions. Tap on the “Download” button to save the resized images back on your device.

Do I have to download a 1024×768 pixels image converter on my device?

No, you don’t have to download any software like Photoshop or application on your device. CompressKaru image resizing tools are 24/7 available online. You only need a stable internet connection (WiFi or Mobile Data) to access this tool.

Is 1024×768 a standard resolution for presentations?

Yes, 1024×768 is widely used in presentations, slideshows, and digital displays.

Is it possible to convert images without losing aspect ratio?

Yes, Compresskaru.om offer the option to maintain the original aspect ratio while resizing.

How long does it take to convert an image to 1024×768?

The conversion process is typically quick, taking just a few seconds depending on the image size.